The number of people with diabetes in Indonesia is a very large and very heavy loads to be handled by a specialist doctor/subspecialty or even by all the existing health workforce.
Given that the DM will give effect to the quality of human resources and the increase in health care costs is big enough, then all parties, both the community as well as Government, was supposed to participate in the effort to combat the DM, especially in prevention efforts.
On the strategy of the Ministry of health for people with diabetes, the role of the general practitioner becomes very important as a spearhead in the primary health care services. The case of a simple DM without penyulit can be managed completely by general practitioners in primary health care.
People with diabetes who potentially experienced DM penyulit needs to be periodically should be referred to a specialist doctor or a specialist in diseases of internal medicine consultants of the endocrine, metabolism, and diabetes at the level of the higher health care in a referral hospital. Similarly, people with diabetes with blood glucose is controlled and high-risk persons with diabetes by penyulit. Patients can be sent back to the doctor's primary service after handling in hospital referral is complete.
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic urban disease which will endure a lifetime. In the management of the disease, in addition to doctors, nurses, nutritionists, and other health care personnel, the role of the patient and the family became very important. Education to the patient and his family aims to provide the understanding of travel sickness, prevention, treatment, and DM penyulit, would be very helpful
increase the participation of families in an attempt to fix the results of the management. In this context the existence of organizations such as the Assembly of persons with diabetes are PERKENI, PERSADIA, PEDI, and others become much needed, considering the Assembly can help improve
knowledge of persons with diabetes about his illness and enhance their active role in modifying the treatment of DM.
To get the appropriate management and managed to, as well as to press the numbers penyulit Genesis DM, required a minimum service standard for people with diabetes. The refinement and revision periodically standard service should always be made and adjusted dengankemajuan-cutting edge science, so that progress can be gained the benefits of space for people with diabetes.
I. Definitions 1.
According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) in 2010, Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease group with characteristic hyperglycemia that occurs due to abnormalities of insulin secretion, insulin, work or both.
2. Classification of I.
DM type 1: the Beta cell Destruction, generally lead to absolute insulin deficiency due to autoimmune or
DM type 2: varies the dominant insulin resistance relative insulin deficiency is accompanied to the
dominant, insulin secretion septal accompanied by insulin resistance
DM: Type-beta cell function Of genetic
-Genetic work Of insulin
Pancreatic exocrine diseases
-Due to a drug or chemical substance
-. A rare Immunological causes
-Other genetic Syndromes associated with DM
DM Gestasional (DM in pregnancy)