At a meeting of experts in children's Pulmonology Jakarta, August 26, 2000 has been made a mutual agreement in the form of National Consensus TB children. The most precise diagnosis is the discovery of TB bacilli from sputum for example, patients rinse stomach, biopsy etc. But at this difficult and rare to come by, so the majority of TB diagnosis based clinical description, contacts, description of tuberculin test, and radiological.
Examination of the BTA microscopically directly on the child is usually done from the rinsing of the stomach due to phlegm it is hard to come by. Examination of the BTA in culture (culture) takes a long time. A new way to detect germ TB with PCR (Polymery Chain Reaction) or the Bactec is still not widely used in clinical practical. Similarly, examination of the blood serologis like Elisha, PAP, Mycodot and others, still require further research for usage in clinical practical. Some of the superior specificity and sensitifitasnya examination is not better than the tuberkulin test or tests mantoux.
Overdiagnosis occurs frequently due to because it is not in accordance with the existing diagnosis or clinical symptoms of interpreting error, contact support and examination of particular tests mantoux and plain photos. In the above case mostly overdiagnosis TB enforced merely because of the results of the x-rays. Without the existence of contacts and observations tuberkulin test (test mantouxt) was already too fast given the treatment of TB. Common results of x-rays is infiltrates (flecks) in the lung was already considered a TB. But this picture is not an overview of TB and it can be found on the disease, asthma and allergic disease coeliac (disorder channel cerna and skinny weight). While the image of pulmonary TB in children r not typical. An overview of TB was found is the enlargement of the gland or glands hilar paratrakeal, milier, atelektasis, collapse, consolidation, infiltrates with hilar glandular enlargement or paratrakeal, consolidation (lobes), fluid in the lung. calcification, bronkiektasis, kavitas and destroyed lung (lung is damaged). Often occur simply because the radiology physician interpretation found infiltrates (flecks) without enlargement of the gland or glands hilar paratrakeal already considered or suspected TB. While the direct sufferer treating physician provides treatment of TB without a confirmation of other data.
Determine the source of contagion or contact TB is the existence of close contacts and long with a TB sufferer is ensured by a positive sputum examination. Mistakes often happen that contact TB it was the brother who only ever met once in a while. Other errors contact TB is often seen that people often cough or skinny but not necessarily when the unproven or positive sputum sputum examinations. Children who experience failed to grow with difficulty eating turned out about 75% of one of his parents had also experienced increment weight disorders. Asthma or allergy sufferers also largely one of his parents also experience a long coughing too quickly considered contacts of TB.
In a society long cough or chronic cough (BKB) seems to be Recurring more often dikawatirkan as TB. When coughing is not a main complaint of illness TB in children. BKB is a cough that lasts more than 2 weeks or repeated 3 or more times in 3 months. The diagnosis of the first appeal on BKB was asthma or allergies. According to the guidelines of the National Tuberculosis Child when found the complaint had to be removed first BKB diagnosis other appeals like allergies or asthma prior to TB diagnosis was sought.
Error reading tests often occurs in overdiagnosis mantouxt TB. Mantoux test results are great straight suspected TB. Whereas a positive Mantoux test is said to be when indurasi should be 10 mm when BCG immunization of the negative scars (immunization is not so). When there are BCG immunization scars (BCG immunization so) should be 15 mm. Another mistake that often occurs is the mantoux test assessment is the width of the exaltation of the redness of skin is not the redness on the skin.
TB is a disease to look out for but am not too excessive. In enforcing the diagnosis must be done carefully and complete the contact anamnesa through TB, signs and symptoms of TB, pulmonary examination a plain photo and test tuberkulin. Should not be too quick to convicting the diagnosis of TB when the data obtained is not yet optimal. If doubt should do the handling of multidisciplinary health science of the son as the son of physician Pulmonology, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology of children or child allergies child. Because when you've been diagnosed with TB then the consequences of drug use in the long period of time and the risk of side effects caused.
BARK: reddish spots arise particularly often in the cheeks, ears and the area that is covered diaper. The crust in the area of hair. Embossed black former as be bitten mosquitoes. Excessive Earwax & smelling. The injection of BCG scars swollen and festering. Embossed boils.
CHANNEL CERNA: GASTROOESEPHAGEAL REFLUX or GER, often VOMITING/spit up, bloating, "hiccup", the wind was loud and frequent, often fussy fidget (colic) especially the evenings, CHAPTER > 3 times per day, the CHAPTER does not every day. Stool colors green, black and smelling. Often "& ngeden risk Umbilikalis Hernia (belly button), Scrotalis, inguinal. Excessive salivation. Tongue/mouth often arising putih, dry lips
AIRWAY: the breath of grok-grok, sometimes accompanied by a mild cough. Tightness in the newborn thimus enlarged glands accompanied (TRDN/TTNB)
NOSE: the nose, sneezing, nasal poop a lot, the head often tilted to one side because one side of the nose is a dead end, so at risk "head PEYANG".
EYES: watery eyes or eye shit has occurred (belekan) one of the sides.
GLAND: gland Enlargement in neck and head back down.
BLOOD VESSELS: the palms of the hands and feet as pale, often available cold
HORMONAL DISORDERS: vaginal discharge/blood comes out from the vagina, embossed red nodule festering, breast enlargement, hair loss.
INNERVATION: Easily startled when there is loud noise. While crying: hands, feet and lips often shaking or breath bated/momentary stop (breath holding spells)
PROBLEM DRINKING BREAST MILK: the weight of excessive drinking, excessive baby crying is often considered krn haus (haus false: often cry is not necessarily because of the thirsty or not because BREAST MILK is less.). Often bite the nipple so that wounds. Drinking BREAST MILK often choked, because the nose with the mouth breath & dead-end. Drinking BREAST MILK more briefly on one side, ' because one side of the nose, the long-term deadlock could result in huge tits next to the.