Fruit melon is a fruit that is very tasty and fresh. Melon is a fruit of watermelon. Melon is a fruit that is fresh and very much vitamin when eating :
As an anti cancer.

Melon fruit turns out to be very good to as anti cancer we know that cancer is very harmful to the body. Fruit melon can be mencegas as well as kill the seeds of cancer that will invade our bodies. We should often consume fruit melons so that small possibility to avoid developing cancer
Help exhaust system by preventing constipation.
Melon fruit can launch a CHAPTER (big water baung) when we are experiencing digestive problems then eat a melon to be easy and smooth bowel movements. Water content in melon fruit is very good for launch.
Lowering the risk of heart disease and stroke attack.
Melon fruit turns can also lower the risk of heart attack and stoke. It turns out that in addition to delicious, fruity melon a very big role in the health of the IE can lower a very dreadful diseases such as heart disease and stroke
To prevent blood clotting.
melon fruit can also prevent the buildup of blood which is very dangerous to our health. the fruit of these melons can be launched.
Lower the risk of kidney disease.
Melon fruit can also be menurukan the risk of kidney disease that is very dangerous for our bodies
Eczema cure diseases.
melon fruit can cure the disease of eczema.
Prevent and cure the heat in.
With fresh melon and fruit rich in vitamins contained in melon fruit turned out to be lower in heat illness.