Consume fresh fruit juices every day can help keep you fit and healthy. Consumption of the fruit also make a glowing skin so that your skin is not experiencing premature aging. Recognize also the Tips in order to make the skin Look Kinclong so you always look youthful.
But if you still do some of this bad habit, it's sure you'll face old fast. Then whatever bad habits that make Old People Fast?
Following some bad habits that make Old People Fast.
It's no secret that smoking is bad for health. But seldom are aware that smoking can also ruin the appearance.
Research suggests that in addition to shortening life by way of increasing the risk of heart disease and lung, smoking can activate enzymes that break down skin elasticity. Even for a person who is not a heavy smoker, smooth pale skin and wrinkles can appear due to smoking.
Crash Diet
Many women who want to lose weight by as much as 4-5 kg ahead of birthday or important event. Slim down quickly is indeed tempting, but crash dieting is not a good thing.
Instant diet is not a long-term solution, it can even be a threat. Research shows that diet program can make the body feel older because it reduces energy, concentration, disrupt and make depressed and irritable.
Crash dieting can also cause skin wrinkles and sagging skin aging, due to reduced elasticity, and the lack of customization of skin with weight loss.
Weight management is important for the health of the elderly, but try to not lose weight more than 0.5-1 kg in a week.
Lack Of Sleep
The body takes seven or eight hours of sleep each night for optimum health. Lack of sleep can make the body do not function properly, can also cause weight gain and result in health when older.
If it's been reasonable bedtime but still feel lack of sleep during the day, consult with a physician to find out the possibilities of sleep disorders such as sleep apnea that is common in the elderly.
Avoid fruits and vegetables
Getting older, the body needs fewer calories. To generate a healthy aging and reduce skin wrinkles, eat food-calorie nutritious sources.
The best source is colored fruits and vegetables. Be sure also to consume fish containing omega 3 fatty acids for heart-healthy, as well as plenty of fiber from whole grains.
Harbored a grudge
Life is too short and precious to long harbored a grudge. Mengikhlaskan and forgiving can make life longer and more productive.
Research shows that pemaafan can lead to physical well-being, psychological, and spiritual. Its benefits include lowering blood pressure and reducing depression, stress and anxiety.
Research shows that releasing stress can help the body reduce mental disorders and keep your mind stay young. Try to identify the causes of stress and how to avoid it or reduce its effect through relaxation techniques such as meditation or exercise.
Most sit
Regular physical activity is important for healthy aging, avoid heart disease, and keeping stress levels remains secure. One of the main reasons exercise is to prevent injuries.
The injury may limit movement and potentially threaten the health of the elderly. Research shows that just running for 30 minutes three times a week can lower the risk of falls, a leading cause of injuries in the elderly.
Drinking Alcohol
Drinking alcohol in extent are reportedly good for health. But for the elderly, as much as what is being considered? According to the American Geriatrics Society, more than one glass a day at the old man and the old woman to half a glass of it was too much.
Excessive alcohol consumption can cause decreased mental function and may cause a fall. Alcohol can also interfere with the efficacy of several drugs. Ask the doctor how much alcohol is safe for the elderly, if any.