Sandiaz, a male 4 years every night and morning wake up often have coughs and colds are never lost for 3 months, Have a variety of doctors visiting pediatrician, Lung doctors, ENT doctors, and various drugs antibiotic drug best and costliest had consumed the results still showed no change. Variety of dioagnosis given by some doctors start allergies, TUBERCULOSIS, bronchitis or Pnemoni. Even just based on a sheet of the results of the x-rays of a doctor bravely convicting tuberculosis. Finally the child must take drugs TB is even up to 1 year continuous. As it turns out, the cough is not cured as well. But after diadviskan a doctor to avoid while some foods cause food allergy was not the complaints for a long time to improve.
Is it true that the diagnosis of TB is the son and the father of first? If TB is declining because it used to be small time the father also suffered from tuberculosis. TB is not declining, but it is true that decline is allergic. Means it is very likely the son of the father at the same time experiencing overdiagnosis TB? Why? Because, allergies and TB is the same disease THE GREAT IMMITATOR.
If your child is experiencing skin disorders, itching, headache, nasal deadlocked, sneezing, abdominal pain, diarrhea, difficult CHAPTER or coughing while, hyperactivity, emotional disorder, sleep disorders, delays in speech, difficulty eating and so on. In your mind, the first thought was definitely the cause is pulmonary TB, Fleck, vetsin, cold drinks, greasy food, spicy food, dirty food, cold, heat, because of the dust or cold air or a variety of other causes. Parents may not think that all these complaints because of allergic reactions to food. Due to a food allergy may include disease "The Great Mimic Presentation" because the symptoms are similar to or often mistaken for other causes.
The diagnosis of definite TB children is difficult because of the discovery of the TUBERCULOSIS Micobacterium (URM.TBC) as the cause of TB in children is not easy. So often goes wrong diagnosis of underdiagnosis and overdiagnosis either in the upholding of the diagnosis of TB in children. Overdiagnosis or diagnosis of TB is given too excessive when children are not necessarily experiencing infection of TB. The consequences that must be faced is the awarding of multidrug (2 or 3 types of antibiotics) for a period of 6 months. Anti-TB drug in children who do not suffer from TB in addition lead to unnecessary cost expenditures, as well as the risk of drug side effects such as liver disorders, blood disorders of innervation of the ear, and so forth. In the neighborhood Clinics especially rural areas also make reduced supplies of drugs for TB sufferers who really need it.
Among the public even most clinicians there is a tendency of the signs and symptoms of TB are not specific in children is often used to provide basic treatment of TB in children. But many other diseases that have symptoms. Failed to grow or weight doesn't go up, difficulty eating, recurrent fever, often cough or enlarged glands are small around the neck and the back of the head is a non-specific symptoms in children. But it seems that in the daily practice of this disorder are often directly suspected symptoms of TB. Should these symptoms can be caused by some other diseases. These disturbances are also commonly experienced by sufferers of allergies, asthma, disorders and other disorders indigestion tract in children.
Signs and symptoms of TB are not specific is very similar to other diseases. The disorder failed to grow and non-specific respiratory tract disorders often experience a relapse of overdiagnosis. Asthma and allergies or disease sufferers fail to grow that accompanied the difficulty eating most often considered diseases of TB because the symptoms are the same. Research conducted the author obtained the facts that are worth a look. As many as 34 (12%) children undergoing overdiagnosis in interrelations between 226 children with disorders such as allergies or non breath asthma who sought the child's Allergy clinic road the hospital our Lady of Jakarta. Other studies obtained surprising results, overdiagnosis found greater, i.e. 42 (22%) children at 210 children with disorders of eating difficulties accompanied a growing medical treatment failed road on Picky Eaters Clinic Jakarta. Overdiagnosis is often occur because it is not in accordance with the existing diagnosis or clinical symptoms of interpreting error, contact support and examination of particular tests mantoux and plain lung photos.
Figures for the incidence of allergies in different world reported increased drastically in the last few years. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates in the world there are an estimated 50 million people suffer from asthma. Tragically more than 180,000 people die every year because of astma. The BBC in 1999 reported allergy sufferers in Europe there is a tendency is increasing rapidly. The allergy occurrence numbers rose sharply in the last 20 years. Any time 30% of people develop into allergies. Some allergy experts argue that 30%-50% genetically human beings have a predisposition to develop into allergies. In other words had antibodies against the environment E Imunoglobulin allergens. So far many people don't know that complaints that he naturally it is allergy symptoms. Food allergy sufferers in the us approximately 2 – 2.5% in adults, in children around 6 – 8%. Each year an estimated 100 to 175 people died due to food allergies. The cause of death is usually due to anaphylactic shock (severe allergic reaction), tersering because the peanuts. More 160 foods associated with food allergies.
Allergic diseases also turned out to have cost is huge and fantastic. Allergic rhinitis sufferers within a year all over the world have spent more than 20 billion u.s. dollars for the purchase of medicines, consultations and interfere with your working hours. Only for the cost of purchasing drugs anti allergy alone is estimated to be around the world spend more than 8 billion u.s. dollars every year. Similarly in Indonesia, allergy sufferers often cost very much. Imagine how the cost of parents to the cost of medical treatment of his son who suffers from allergies. When the minimum each month children should be consulting a doctor, buying drugs, and a lot of very expensive laboratory examination.
The most allergy sufferers symptoms not interfere with alerginya but because often have recurrent infections and often get "overtreatment" antibiotic. Allergy sufferers often experience a drop in the body's durability particularly allergy sufferers who accompanied the disruption of frequent indigestion channels such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, difficult chapter and other indigestion channels interference. Because, the durability of the body mostly arise in cerna.
Bronchitis is an inflammation of the throat (bronchus) Branch (the Airways to the lungs). The disease is usually mild and will ultimately be recovered perfectly. But in people with the disease who have chronical (such as heart disease or lung disease) and at old age, bronchitis can be serious. Infeksiosa bronchitis caused by viruses, bacteria and organisms resembling bacteria (Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia) recurring bronchitis Attacks can happen in smokers and lung disease sufferers and chronical respiratory tract. Recurrent infections that usually accompanied by chronic Sinusitis, Bronkiektasis, allergies and Enlarged tonsils and adenoidal problems in children.