Saturday, April 2, 2016

A Bit Of The History Of Public Health

A Bit Of The History Of Public Health

Discuss public health is inseparable from the two figures metologi Greece, i.e. the Asclepius and Higeia. Based on the myth of asclepius that Greece is referred to as a doctor first handsome and clever though not mentioned school or education steps of what has been, but is told that he can treat the disease and even do surgery on the basis of certain procedures (surgical procedure) fine.
Higeia seeorang, his assistant, who later told as his wife, has also been doing health efforts. Difference between Asclepius with a Higeia approach/handling health problems as follows: 1) Asclepius approaches (treatment of disease) after the disease occurred in a person. 2) Higeia teaches his followers ddalam approach to health problems through a ' balanced ' life, i.e. avoid food/drinks are toxic, eat foods that are nutritious (good), just take a break and do sport. When people are sick, Higeia prefers doing efforts naturally to heal the ailment, among other things better by strengthening her body with good food, rather than with surgical treatment.
The mythical story of Greece, Asclepius and the Higeia finally appeared two streams or approaches in addressing health issues. The first group or the flow tend to wait for the onset of the disease (after illness), hereinafter called the curative approaches (treatment). These groups are generally made up of doctors, dentists, psychiatrists, practitioner-practitioner other treatment of disease as well as Higeia approach, tend to do disease prevention efforts and improve health (promotion of) before the onset of the disease. Into this group include the public health officer Graduate-Graduate School of public health institutions or of various rank.
In a further development, as if arisen a dividing line between the two groups of professions, namely curative health care (curative health care). The second prevention or preventive (preventive health care). These groups can be seen the difference in approach among others as follows. First, curative approach in General performed against targets individually, contact against targets (patient) generally only once. The distance between health workers (doctors, drg, and so on) with the patient or the targets tend to be far away. Whereas preventive penddekatan, target or the patient is a Community (rather than individual) issues handled in General also issues become a matter of community, not individual issues. The relationship between health workers with masayarakat (targets) more partnerships, unlike doctor-patient.
Second, curative approach tends to be reactive means in this group generally only wait the problem come. As the doctor waiting patients come in Clinics or place of practice. If no patients came to mean there is no problem then was the tasks that their health problems are the adannya disease. While the group more proactive approach using preventative means not waiting for the existence of a problem, but finding the problem. Public health officers are not just waiting for the patient to come in the Office or at their practices, but should come down to search community and identify the problems that exist in society, and take action.
Third, curative approaches tend to view and work with clients or patients more to human biological system or patient is only seen in partial, whereas human beings consist of health bio-psychological and social aspects, which are seen among one another. While the preventive approach sees the client as a sentient intact, with a holistic approach. The occurrence of the disease was not solely due to the disruption of biological systems, individual, but in the context of a broad, biological aspects, psychological and social. Thus his approach was not individually and the Parthians, but should be thoroughly or holistic.

A Bit Of The History Of Public Health Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: asdas

