Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Depopulation exam run? 75% of children who received vaccines inward Mexican town right away dead or hospitalized

Depopulation exam run? 75% of children who received vaccines inward Mexican town right away dead or hospitalized

(NaturalNews) Despite the insidious attempts of the corporate-controlled U.S. media to censor the stories near the deadly side effects of vaccines, the truth keeps surfacing. The latest vaccine tragedy to bang has killed 2 babies inwards La Pimienta, United Mexican States as well as sent 37 to a greater extent than to the infirmary amongst serious reactions to toxic vaccine additives. (Tweet this story)

"...14 children are inwards serious condition, 22 are stable as well as 1 is inwards critical condition," the Chiapas Health Secretariat said inwards a argument via please see this website:

What's peculiarly alarming is that exclusively 52 children were vaccinated inwards all, pregnant that 75% of those receiving the vaccines are straight off either dead or hospitalized.

The vaccines were administered past the Mexican Social Security Institute, known equally IMSS. The IMSS confirmed the deadly reactions occurred afterwards children received injections of vaccines for tuberculosis, rotavirus as well as hepatitis B -- the same viral strains targeted past vaccines routinely administered to children inwards the United States.

IMSS suspends vaccination pending farther investigation
According to Fox News Latino, the IMSS has suspended the vaccines pending the effect of an investigation into why as well as then many children take been killed as well as hospitalized.

According to the entire mainstream media inwards the USA -- which is 100% controlled past corporate interests -- vaccines never harm anyone as well as are perfectly rubber to inject into children inwards unlimited quantities. This dangerous, inhumane "Vaccine Injury Denialism" is rampant across the corporate-controlled media, which contributes to the deaths of innocent babies as well as children past refusing to admit the truth that vaccines kill as well as hurt children on a regular basis.

Just recently, inwards fact, the Britain authorities agreed to pay $90 1 thousand thousand to victims of the swine influenza vaccine. That vaccine caused permanent encephalon harm to over 800 children across Europe. The truth is that vaccines regularly harm as well as fifty-fifty kill innocent children, most probable because of the toxic chemic adjuvants as well as preservatives they nonetheless contain.

As the CDC openly admits, vaccines are nonetheless intentionally formulated amongst mercury, aluminum, MSG as well as formaldehyde. Some vaccines fifty-fifty role ingredients derived from aborted man fetal tissue. Last year, a CDC scientist blew the whistle on the CDC committing scientific fraud to comprehend upwardly links betwixt vaccines as well as autism inwards immature African-American males.

Test work for depopulation via vaccines?
As globalists straight off fully realize, vaccines are past far the best style to cull the man population because most people tin live tricked into lining upwardly as well as request for them. Thus, there's no demand to resort to all the difficulties used past the Nazis to consign genocide inwards World War II, involving complicated logistics of railroad cars, gas chambers, structure of volume graves, prisoner tracking via IBM computing technology, as well as and then on. (Yes, Nazi genocide as well as prisoner tracking was powered past early on IBM computers. See IBM as well as the Holocaust, the strategic alliance betwixt Nazi Deutschland as well as America's most powerful corporation...)

As the vaccine manufacture has straight off come upwardly to realize, it's as well as then much easier to kill people when they voluntarily comply amongst the injections. Hence the aggressive media propaganda force to accomplish absolute blind obedience to vaccines as well as then that no 1 volition inquire questions when sterilization or euthanasia chemicals are used. That's no dubiety why vaccines take been routinely tested for depopulation programs via 2 main methods:

# 1) Achieve covert sterilizations of targeted populations past combining sterilization chemicals amongst vaccines. (The "slow kill.")

# 2) Directly kill vaccine recipients past intentionally lacing vaccines amongst euthanasia chemicals that movement death. (The "fast kill.")

Method #1 has been repeatedly used throughout Africa, United Mexican States as well as South America to inflict sterilization upon targeted groups via immunization as well as vaccination programs. Just terminal year, inwards fact, I reported on the uncovering of a covert depopulation vaccine plan beingness work inwards Kenya:

Tetanus vaccines given to millions of immature women inwards Republic of Kenya take been confirmed past laboratories to comprise a sterilization chemic that causes miscarriages, reports the Republic of Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, a pro-vaccine organization.

A whopping 2.3 1 thousand thousand immature girls as well as women are inwards the procedure of beingness given the vaccine, pushed past UNICEF as well as the World Health Organization.

"We sent half dozen samples from around Republic of Kenya to laboratories inwards South Africa. They tested positive for the HCG antigen," medico Muhame Ngare of the Mercy Medical Centre inwards Nairobi told LifeSiteNews. "They were all laced amongst HCG."

Method #2 straight off appears to live nether style inwards United Mexican States equally 75% of those children injected amongst vaccines are straight off either dead or hospitalized.

Vaccine-induced depopulation was attempted inwards United Mexican States inwards 1974
As Truth Stream Media exhaustively documented, a depopulation practise was work inwards United Mexican States inwards 1974, using vaccines equally the comprehend story.

The system was dreamed upwardly afterwards the liberate of the National Security Study Memorandum 200 which highlighted the global population job as well as urged governments to discover ways to trim back the global population.

As explains:

Concentration on this "problem" of how to trim back the population was planned for xiii central countries, including India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia as well as Colombia. Of those, the document singled out United Mexican States equally having 1 of the highest (and therefore, most worrisome) growth rates of all. The document read, "Perhaps the most important population tendency from the viewpoint of the USA is the prospect that Mexico’s population volition increment from fifty 1 thousand thousand inwards 1970 to over 130 1 thousand thousand past the twelvemonth 2000."

To fighting this problem, "medical spooks" -- who were almost sure U.S.-funded depopulation vaccine crews -- began injecting women all across United Mexican States amongst anti-fertility drugs disguised equally vaccines. If yous dubiety this, read your history. The U.S. government's National Institutes of Health was caught red-handed running man medical experiments on prisoners inwards Guatemala. President Obama was fifty-fifty forced to publicly apologize inwards 2011 afterwards the cover-up collapsed! There is naught the Nazis did inwards the 1930s as well as 40s that the pharmaceutical manufacture wouldn't live willing to repeat today nether the label of "science."

But getting dorsum to Mexico, equally the covert depopulation vaccination plan spread across United Mexican States City inwards 1974, locals began to grab on to the deception, as well as world resistance grew. As these paper clippings reveal, parents began hiding their children inwards their ain homes to avoid them beingness injected amongst sterilization chemicals at the world schools. (California, past the way, likewise targets children at schools inwards club to avoid parents having the chance to tell "No!")

Mexico City - Associated Press - Rumors that persons disguised equally inoculation teams were giving schoolhouse children shots that sterilized them forced wellness authorities to suspend all vaccination drives today as well as to postal service police force exterior United Mexican States City schools. Thousands of parents stormed diverse schools inwards the United Mexican States City expanse Tuesday as well as took their children home.

It's every bit well of import to government notation that these sterilization vaccines were beingness administered essentially at gunpoint, every bit constabulary were accompanying the vaccine crews:

Callers told newspapers together with TV stations that the sterilization crews were protected past constabulary escorts together with that they included white-robed men together with women "who looked similar foreigners."

This same scenario is straightaway well-nigh to live replicated inwards California, past the way, where SB 277 would criminalize parents of children who are non vaccinated, essentially at gunpoint.

What's fifty-fifty to a greater extent than interesting is that the exact same arguments nosotros listen today well-nigh vaccine skeptics -- they're punitively labeled "anti-vaxxers" or "anti-science" -- were every bit well beingness used inwards United Mexican States inwards 1974. As the next paper clipping shows:

The Mexican Medical Association issued statements denying that whatever sort of inoculation could crusade sterility... Officials said superstition together with ignorance of preventive wellness [i.e. "anti-science"] were responsible for the widespread faith that the rumors were true.

 In other words, fifty-fifty though sterilization teams were running about Mexico, injecting people alongside chemicals equally office of a depopulation agenda, whatever someone who pointed this out was straight off labeled "anti-science" in addition to derided equally "ignorant."

Very picayune has changed inwards 4 decades, it seems: the same tactic is all the same used today, fifty-fifty spell children are beingness killed or injured every unmarried twenty-four hour period due to the toxic ingredients used inwards vaccines.

CDC's tidings operatives caught running disinfo campaigns
The "science bullying" behind vaccines too allows governments of the earth to run sterilization in addition to depopulation programs disguised equally populace health. Once the population is bullied into accepting vaccines without enquiry -- blind obedience is at present demanded well-nigh everywhere -- governments tin add together whatever chemicals they desire to those vaccines, including chemicals that movement permanent sterilization or fifty-fifty death.

The fact that all vaccine injuries are systematically denied to breathe too way that whatever someone harmed or killed past vaccines is straight off wiped from the subject  memory. Like a criminal mafia, the vaccine manufacture plant difficult to enshroud the bodies in addition to thereby hold its monopolistic dissonance on the utterly imitation premise that vaccines are 100% safe. To farther drive dwelling house this extraordinary medical propaganda, the CDC uses tidings operatives similar Nurse Hickox who spread disinfo through the mainstream media, which is e'er happy to comply alongside the destructive agendas of the vaccine industry.

As Natural News uncovered during the Ebola scare of 2014:

Nurse Kaci Hickox, who has made headlines over the terminal few days past refusing to quarantine herself later returning from the Ebola forepart lines inwards Africa, turns out to take been trained equally an "intelligence officer" nether a two-year CDC plan modeled later the US military.

As yous tin encounter from the document below, Hickox graduated from a two-year CDC tidings officeholder preparation plan inwards 2012. This is the same nurse whose LinkedIn page was of late scrubbed to enshroud her ties to the CDC...

The official tidings designation granted to Nurse Hickox past the CDC was "Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer," in addition to she is a graduate of the 2012 EIS plan according to this CDC document (PDF). (See page 138 - 139 for her cite in addition to photo, or thought photograph below.)

That same year, the CDC graduated 81 such "intelligence officers" whose names in addition to photos are too listed inwards the populace document.
Bottom line? Don't trust the vaccine industry
What's the takeaway realization from all this? Vaccines take been in addition to volition proceed to live used equally a embrace for forced depopulation programs involving sterilization or euthanasia chemicals.

Obedience to vaccines allows depopulation teams accompanied past armed police force to intimidate people into accepting whatever liquid they desire to place inwards a syringe. That liquid mightiness live a vaccine, or it mightiness live a sterilization chemic or fifty-fifty a euthanasia chemical.

Any population that is indoctrinated into trusting the vaccine manufacture -- an manufacture steeped inwards repeated criminal activeness combined alongside a full disregard for man life -- is ripe for beingness targeted for depopulation. (See Nigeria Issues Arrest Warrants for Top Pfizer Officials After Drug Experiments Conducted on Children.)

After all, why become through the problem of edifice gas chambers in addition to rounding people upward for bulk extermination when yous tin reach the same issue without whatever resistance at all if yous just label the chemicals "vaccines"?

Depopulation exam run? 75% of children who received vaccines inward Mexican town right away dead or hospitalized Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: asdas

